The last couple days have been crazy busy in the suite. There are some announcements that we need to highlight even though students are aware of them:
The science test scheduled for Thursday will move to next Tuesday. We have a bit more to finish with light and I want to review heat before the test.
The October Field Trip has been moved to October 10th, a Thursday. I will send more information as soon as I have details. We will need drivers. It will be a couple hours in the afternoon in Ogden. The suspense is building....
The October Forensics Tournament has been moved to October 9th, a Wednesday. We originally had it on the schedule for the 16th, right before UEA days, but that won't work for other schools, so we are moving it a week earlier. Please take note as all scholars need to be present at this first tournament. The tournament will start at 6:00 sharp, scholars are welcome to stay at school to prepare for the tournament after school. There will be concessions available. We hope to be finished by 9:00 p.m.
The first photos you will see tonight are from the first debate class where we ran a student congress. Students debated the a bill concerning banning plastic recyclable water bottles. Speeches were well defined and questioning was rapid. Scholars are getting the hang of argumentation and how to present their points.
The second set of photos are from science lab outside where we broke up white light into it's elements, ROYGBIV and students recorded what they saw. The next photos are from when we went inside and discovered the difference between color and light. We took red, blue, and green markers and colored one on top of the other on the board to create a brownish gray color. We then hypothesized what would happen if we took the same colors of LIGHT and mixed them. Most thought it would end up brown or gray.
We performed the experiment for the students to discover white light, which led the discussion on photons, what they are, and how they produce energy that we call light. Scholars will take a test on heat and light next week.
Cody Baker sponsoring a bill |
Grace Collings - Neg Speech |
Faith Christiansen - Aff speech |
Splitting light |
Enjoying the spectrum |
playing with white light |