Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Sapient Scholars and families! Enjoy the rest, the food, and the break from having to THINK so hard! :)

December is shaping up like this:
5th - Final Exam Prince and the Pauper
6th - Sixth Grade Assembly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10:15/Gym
 9th - Mountain Ridge Assisted Living from 2:00to 2:45 to play checkers with  the residents/play   music/sing songs/bring Christmas cards.

11th - Math Text Unit 6

12th - GeoBee in class
12th - History Test/Enlightenment
18th - Science Quiz - Earth, moon, sun

19th - The Christmas Carol

20th - Christmas/Hanukkah Party/movie day and release at 1:00 for CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!  Students can bring in a gift that totals $5 or less for the class to share.

Again, If I need to change anything for the month I will change it on this calendar and then update the blog for the current day.

Thanks for keeping on top of things!


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fundraising and Ratio Building!

The scholars have been busy this past week! We got the ball rolling on the fundraiser and have collected for the first two weeks! We had over $400 the first week and over $500 this week! Great job SCHOLARS!!!!

We also finished up our chapter on ratios and instrumentally put it to practice in the cafe by creating no bake cookies from recipes that had to be scaled up or down accordingly. The scholars did a great job figuring the math and making the cookies. There were five different cookies created, bacon/chocolate, strawberry/white chocolate, pecan, chocolate chip, and gingerbread. Everyone got the chance to sample each of the five cookies and we had enough to share with Mr. Keddington's class and the administration.

This coming week Mrs. Cardinal will be in on Monday and Tuesday to sub for me while I run a half marathon in Las Vegas. I will be driving back Tuesday and hopefully make it to school in time for the Town Hall Meeting at 6:30. I hope to see you there if you have an opinion about the 7th and 8th grade addition.

Have a great weekend!
designing their poster

coloring carefully

adding the correct message

up on the walls

starting to collect!

The media team putting together the video for the assembly

first week's collection

The excel team posting totals for each class's account




counting, counting....just keep counting......

scaling ratios to get a correct recipe

scaling team

supplies for no bakes

working on blending

looking good!

okay boys...this is how we make a cookie mix.... roll them in balls....

chopping graham crackers for recipes

rolling them out


well done captains!

time to enjoy the work of their labor!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Couple Changes to Mathmaticians!

We will be taking our Chapter 4 test on Friday morning, and then chapter 5 test on November 26th right before break! I will adjust the schedule from the beginning of November.

Today is our Noetic Math Competition, Fall Series! I am excited to see what our scholars will do!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November and our Service Project!

It's hard to believe that we're already into November! Time is flying by quickly. We have begun the 6th grade service project as of today, and you should have received information about it at home. The project culmination will happen at our assembly on the 6th of December. We hope you can make it to watch your scholars inspire the entire student body to help one another!

November Calendar: Please remember dates are subject to change, so check your student's planner and the blog for changes! :)

5 - Cumulative spelling/vocab test
6 - Latin Test
8 - Assembly/spelling/vocab/writing
12 - NOETIC Math Competition - entire 6th grade, in school
15 - Math Test chapter 4 - Ratios
15 - Spelling/vocab/writing
21 - History Test - Ancient Greece and Rome
22 - Spell/Vocab/Writing
26 - Book Report PROJECT due
26 - Math Test chapter 5 - Rates