Friday, February 28, 2014

Science Fair and Martius Calendar!

Congratulations to ALL OF THE SIXTH GRADE SAPIENT SCHOLARS who participated in the science fair last evening. Not only were our judges impressed with the scientific thought and academia behind the projects; the scholars' behavior was exceptional! Thank you to all the students and their families for making the evening enjoyable!

Congratulations to our honorable mention students: Emmett Grames, Jaide Poulsen, and Gabriella Haner.

Congratulations to our medal winners and participants in the Jr. Ritchey Science Fair on March 20th at Weber State University: Noah Robert, Blaine Cantwell, and Satchel Sproul!

Honorable Mentions

Medal Winners
 Calendar for March looks like this:

3rd - NWEA Language
5th - Spring Photo Day - Free Dress/5:00 p.m. National Tournament Meeting for Forensics
6th - 1:00 Mountain Heights Jr. High Presentation - Parents invited
7th - NWEA Reading/ Assembly
10th - Science Test - Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems
11th - NWEA Math
12th - Poetry Presentation in Cafe at 1:00 - Parents invited
13th - Latin Test
14th - 50 DAYS TO GRADUATION! Spell/vocab/essay
18th - Math Test unit 10
19th - COTW Projects Due in Cohort
20th - Weber State Jr. Ritchey Science Fair
21st - END OF THE QUARTER/school play
22nd - school play
26th - History Test
27th - Science Test
28th - CIAO! :)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Honors Ribbons and Legislative Day!

Congratulations to our scholars who made the Dean's List, the Director's Honor Roll, and had perfect attendance in the second quarter. We are so proud of you all!
Perfect Attendance

Dean's List

Director's Honor Roll

House or Representatives


following the bills as they are presented

A beautiful day to be at the Capitol!
Scholars had a great opportunity to observe the house and the senate in session today as well as meet with legislators and brag about GFA.
Bragging about GFA!
checking out the architecture

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Two Changes to the Schedule and CHARTER LEGISLATIVE DAY ON THE HILL/Science Fair Needs

We have two changes to the schedule due to timing. We will move the math test for unit nine up a day to the 26th and the history test back a week to the 27th. Thanks!

Students that are heading to Salt  Lake with us on Monday may wear either khaki pants and a navy blue (preferably the forensics shirt) polo, OR they may wear dark suits for the boys and navy blue or black to the knee skirts for the girls. Forensics apparel is dark in nature. Blouses may be colors, but skirts or dress pants need to be black or navy. There will be an email going out today regarding our drivers, etc.

Science Fair will be upon us next Thursday! We need parents to bring in crock pot dinners (pulled pork, pasta, etc) with salad and dessert for a total of 20 people. We will be starting the judges training at 5:30 so if we can have food set up by 5:15 that would be great. I have a volunteer to set it up in my classroom which will serve as the judges' quarters. Please email me if you can send in something to contribute to the meal. Most of our judges are young men in their twenties....they know how to EAT! :)

Monday, February 10, 2014


Big Congrats to Isaiah for ranking 11th in the region at the MathCounts Competition on Saturday. The team worked hard and performed well. They will continue competing to earn the gold level trophy over the next month!
Go Mathletes!

We are reading through the Call of the Wild as we watch the Yukon Quest Race. Brent Sass has been injured and is out of the race while Alan Moore has completed and won the quest. We will watch the rest of the mushers come in over the next few days.
If scholars have not had a chance to finish reading their chapters in their cohorts, here is the link for them to be able to read the text online:


Your scholars are becoming quite skilled in writing essays. The week of February 24-28 we will be adding a responsibility and making a change in order to get them ready for the testing at the end of the year. Currently they write on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then Thursday they bring in their rough draft, handwritten on loose leaf paper. Thursday is our peer editing day where each scholar edits two other papers and completes a form. The forms are then stapled to the rough draft and the scholar takes it home to reflectively grade his or her own paper using the same form and then rewrites the essay with corrections on Thursday evening. Starting the week of the 28th scholars will be TYPING the FINAL draft of the essay at home. They will hand in their essays at 8:00 a.m. on Friday stapled to the top of their rough draft and peer editing sheets (like they currently do). The change is that they type the final piece. For the testing at the end of the year they are required to type an essay. They need to be practicing their typing skills each week.
If you do not have a printer available to you, your scholar can save his or her essay in word 2007 format and print out the essay Friday morning, but it has to be done BEFORE 8:00 a.m. If they meet the teachers at the door and let them know that they need to print an essay, they will allow them to my room.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Busy Weekend Ahead! We need to COOPERATE!...February Calendar

Congratulations to Mr. Keddington, Lexi Amador, and Isaiah Marshall for earning the Cooperation Award this month! We are so proud of our scholars and teachers at GFA!

Our Math Counts Team will be at Weber State tomorrow for the competition! Congratulations to all the hard work the boys have already put forward. Good luck to all tomorrow!

February 8 - MathCounts Competition
February 11 - Math Test Unit 8
February 14 - 17 - NO SCHOOL!
February 18 - Latin Test/ Science Boards Due
February 21 - Spelling/Vocabulary
February 24 - Charter School Legislation Day - Salt Lake
February 25 - Book Report Projects 
February 26- Math Test Unit 9
February 27 - History Test /Science Fair 6:00 PM
February 28 - Spelling/Vocabulary/Essay